Publication Lists

Zhenghua Li

Original theses

  1. Shen, J., Shi, D., Suzuki, T., Xia, Z., Zhang, H., Araki, K., Wakana, S., Takeda, N., Yamamura, K., Jin, S., Li, Z. Severe ocular phenotypes in Rbp4-deficient mice in the C57BL/6 genetic background. Laboratory Investigation. Jun; 96(6):680-691, 2016.
  2. Mu, Y., Jin S., Shen, J., Sugano, A., Takaoka, Y., Qiang, L., lmbimbo, B. P., Yamamura, K. and Li, Z. CHF5074(CSP-1103) stabilizes human transthyretin in mice humanized at the transthyretin and retinol-binding protein loci. FEBS letters. 589(7):849-856, 2015.
  3. Murakami, T., Sango, K., Watabe, K., Niimi, N., Takaku, S., Li, Z., Yamamura, K. and Sunada, Y. Schwann cells contribute to neurodegeneration of transthyretin amyloidosis. J. Neurochem. 134(1), 66-74, July 2015.
  4. Hayashi, H., Sato, Y., Li, Z., Yamamura, K., Yoshizawa, T. and Yamagata, K. Roles of hepatic glucokinase in intertissue metabolic communication: examination of novel liver-specific glucokinase knockout mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications(BBRC). 460(3), 727-732, May 2015.
  5. Li, Z., Zhao, G., Shen, J., Araki, K., Haruna, K., Inoue, S., Wang, J., Yamamura, K. Enhanced expression of human cDNA by phosphoglycerate kinase promoter-puromycin cassette in the mouse transthyretin locus. Transgenic Res. 20(1): 191-200, 2011.
  6. Murakami, T., Ohsawa, Y., Li, Z., Yamamura, K., Sunada, Y. The transthyretin gene is expressed in Schwann cells of peripheral nerves. Brain research. 1348: 222-5, 2010.
  7. Jin, S., Zhao, G., Li, Z., Nishimoto, Y., Isohama, Y., Shen, J., Ito, T., Takeya, M., Araki, K., He, P. and Yamamura, K. Age-related pulmonary emphysema in mice lacking a/b hydrolase domain containing 2 gene. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 380(2): 419-24, 2009.
  8. Tang, H., Araki, K., Ohkido, M., Murakami, Y., Matsufuji, S., Li, Z., Yamamura, K. Role of ornithine decarboxylase antizyme inhibitor in vivo. Genes to Cells. 14(1): 79-87, 2009.
  9. Zhao, G., Li, Z., Araki, K., Haruna, K., Yamaguchi, K., Araki, M., Takeya, M., Ando, Y., Yamamura, K. Inconsistency between hepatic expression and serum concentration of transthyretin in mice humanized at the transthyretin locus. Genes to Cells. 13(12): 1257-68, 2008.
  10. Inoue, S., Ohta, M., Li, Z., Zhao, G., Takaoka, Y., Sakashita, N., Miyakawa, K., Takada,K., Tei, H., Suzuki, M., Masuoka, M., Sakaki, Y., Takahashi, K., Yamamura, K. Specific pathogen free conditions prevent transthyretin amyloidosis in mouse models. Transgenic Research. 17(5): 817-26,2008.
  11. Tang, H., Araki, K., Li, Z., Yamamura, K. Characterization of Ayu17-449 gene expression and resultant kidney pathology in a knockout mouse model. Transgenic Research. 17(4): 599-608, 2008
  12. Chen, H., Li, Z., Haruna, K., Li, Z., Li, Z., Semba, K., Araki, M., Yamamura, K., Araki,K. Early pre-implantation lethality in mice carrying truncated mutation in the RNA polymerase 1-2 gene. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 365(4): 636-42, 2008.
  13. Yamamura, K., Li, Z., Oike, Y. Patho-physiology of myelin deficient mice. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Animal Models for Human Diseases. 22: 47-53, 2006.
  14. Li, Z., Takakura , N., Oike, Y., Imanaka, T., Araki, K., Suda, T., Kaname, T., Kondo, T., Abe, K., Yamamura, K. Defective smooth muscle development in qkI-deficient mice. Development Growth and Differentiation. 45(5-6): 449-62, 2003.

Conference presentations

  1. Z, Li., Mu, Y., Shen, J., Suzuki, T., Wakana, S., Araki, K., Yamamura, K. Improvement of retinal function and vitamin A availability in humanized mice at retinol-binding locus. 第36回日本分子生物学会年会, 2013.12. 3-6,神戸(神戸国際会議場ポートピアホール)
  2. Z, Li., Mu, Y., Araki, K., Yamamura, K.: Increase of human TTR in the bloodstream from Ttr and Rbp loci double humanization. 第35回日本分子生物学会年会, 2012.12.11-12.14, 福岡(マリンメッセ福岡)
  3. Z, Li., Araki, K, Sakumura,Y., Yamamura, K: Creation of double humanized mice with Ttr and Rbp loci using the variable type homologous recombination method. 第34回日本分子生物学会年会, 2011.12.13-16,横浜(パシフィコ横浜)
  4. Li, Z., Araki, K., Yamamura, K.: Production of Optimum Humanized Mouse Model for Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy. Mouse genetics 2011. June 22-25. 2011. Washington, D.C.(Omni Shoreham Hotel)