Publication Lists

Yasumitsu Fujie

Original theses

  1. Fujie, Y., Fusaki, N., Katayama, T., Hamasaki, M., Soejima, Y., Soga, M., Ban, H., Hasegawa, M., Yamashita, S., Kimura, S., Suzuki, S., Matsuzawa, T., Akari, H. and Era, T. New type of Sendai virus vector provides transgene-free iPS cells derived from chimpanzee blood. PLOS ONE. 9(12), e133052, 2014.

Conference presentations

  1. Fujie, Y.:Creation of chimpanzee blood-derived iPS cells using a new type Sendai virus. 第14回日本再生医療学会総会, 2015.3.21, 横浜(パシフィコ横浜)
  2. Fujie, Y.:New type of Sendai virus vector provides transgene-free iPS cells derived from chimpanzee blood. 熊本医学・生命科学国際シンポジウム, 2014.9.4-9.5, 熊本(熊本市医師会館):ポスター発表
  3. Fujie, Y.:Analysis of the survival and functional mechanism of human iPS cells in regards to temperature changes, 第9回宮崎サイエンスキャンプ, 2013.2.16, 宮崎:ポスター発表